Friday, August 19, 2016

Hero Saves Woman and Dog in Traped in Louisiana Floods

 Make sure to watch this with sound on.

When faced with a life or death situation David Phung, and the men sharing the boat, did not wait for someone else to help.

He jumped in, saved her life with an assist from his boat-mates. Feeling under-accomplished, seeing the distress of the woman he just saved, and feeling his human rescue was not bad ass enough - dove back into the now fully submerged car and saved her little dog too.

Large objects sinking in water create suction around them. Phung's rescue was dangerous, even in shallow water. 

This band of rescue marauders was not alone. Thousands of rescues were performed by caring citizens who learned from Katrina that their community members' best hope of rescue was from their neighbors.

This is how to behave; be a hero on a wet day.

David Phung, please have babies - we need more people like you in the world.

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