Thursday, June 14, 2012

Birth Control Coverage is an Equal Pay Issue

Organizations like the American federal government, the Catholic Church, and nearly half the states in US want to or do limit a woman’s access to abortion in their employer-provided health care packages. The new wave of legislation, policy, and social commentary focused on women’s reproduction has been framed as a matter of social policy, but ignored are the economic and legal requirement of equal pay for equal work. These legislative actions hope to limit women’s choices when it comes to reproduction but by limiting the cash value and practical value of health insurance for women and their ability to work uninterrupted by pregnancy, these policies mandate pay inequity between genders.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I Know More Because I Have Kids

I hate it when people say to me, "you don't have kids" when discussing vaccines or education or child development.  Does spitting a child out of your vagina or squirting some sperm into one impart you with some new ability to analyze data?