Monday, August 8, 2016

For Killery Kids and Bernie Bots

Part of me feels the Democrats want badly for Trump to be elected and I don't mean the nominee. I mean instead of fighting about issues, or consequences, the interpenetration of facts, or upcoming concerns - they have turned to infantile method of name calling discourse. Her name is not Killery. The people who voted for Bernie and still want him are not "bots" or "bros". Even worse is the reading into statements what is not said.

46+ year old Democrats have different values than 45 and under. We have different concerns.
For example; people who are settled in jobs with paid off educations in houses they own are not voting for someone based on their stance on student debt. People who are so deep in debt with student loans they can barely pay their rent on their post graduation cafe job do. That does not make either side evil.

It is ok to disagree and fight about those issues or problems. Instead of discussing those concerns, we have to get past the insults and made up meanings.

How about this, just for once, grow the hell up and speak to each other like grown adults. Stop acting like Trump and start acting with the dignity the country deserves by addressing the issues.
I promise, when you do, I will give you each your 3rd Grade graduation certificate.

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