Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pornography Exploits Men

The pornography industry, in its lust for money, objectifies and exploits men who perform sexual acts on film for their profit. Moreover, pornography exploits the biological sexual weaknesses of the watching man. It is a filthy denigration of the pride of men and their bodies and must be stopped before men begin to believe in the dehumanization portrayed in these films.

It is common biological knowledge that men are unable to resist viewing depictions of sex. Those who create and sell pornography know about this biological weakness and prey on it. Unable to resist even the slightest temptation to watch pornography, at any cost; sociological, financial or emotional, men instantly become addicted. Once they view the pornography, the reason centers of their brains shut off and their brains absorb all information given to them. This biological switch allows the exploitation of men to go unchecked. They become a sponge of images, ideas and concepts but have no sieve in which to filter them. They would be unable to sift through what is morally right or wrong. They would be unable to resist their urges or desires because they have become unrestrained. Good men become addicted monsters, frightening and sad.

In movies of a pornographic nature, the faces of men are shown less than half as often as faces of women. Their faces are substituted with up close shots of their penises. Men are usually positioned to the camera so their faces are obscured by their penis, the woman’s body or the woman’s genitalia. Their pleasure or displeasure at a sexual act or position is irrelevant as long as they are erect and pounding.

Due to the cinematography of pornography, routinely exposed men believe they are nothing more than a penis; their faces and emotions more unmentionable than what they hide in their pants. We see this when men are unable to express their feelings, often feeling their only acceptable self expression is through their penis. These repressed feelings causes mental illness and/or inappropriate expression. This is why we see rapes and sexually motivated murders.

Men unable to show their affection appropriately are forced to do so from their penis and when the women do not follow along, sexual tension progresses into homicidal rage. Even child molestation could be caused by pornography because those men who would show love to children appropriately can only do so. Pornography has slanted their view so greatly that they believe all forms of expression must be shown through their penis, even toward children. If we dug hard enough we might even be able to link the horrors of the Holocaust as misplaced emotional tensions brought on by viewing pornography only once by Hitler.

I call this “Exceptionally Expressive Penis Syndrome” or EEP Syndrome. EEP Syndrome can be diagnosed when any man cannot express his feelings outwardly and has seen pornography. Some symptoms can be withdrawn behavior, inability to discuss internal emotions, being unhappy with size of penis, being unhappy in marriage, unhappy with sexual prowess, unhappy with length of erections, violence against men, violence against women, violence against children, violence against weevils, violence against ants, violence against toes, shoe fetish behavior, toe fetish behavior, weight gain, weight loss, constant weight, ballooning weight, deflating weight, ten fingernails, ten toenails, two testicles, one testicle, no testicles, having a vagina, knowing about birth control, interior design knowledge, pubic hairs, inappropriate erections, appropriate erections, short erections, long erections, wet dreams, arousal by partner, arousal by water, arousal by KY Jelly, arousal by apple pie, arousal by public sex, casual sexual encounters, monogamous sexual encounters, submissive sexual behavior, dominant sexual behavior, lack of masturbation, average level of masturbation, above average levels of masturbation, arousal by cats, arousal by fur, owning cell phones, having a long term partner, having casual encounters, having more than one partner in a lifetime, having one sexual partner, having less than one sexual partner and previous history of Jell -O baths.

Untreated EEPS is detrimental to the individual men affected but the damage is compounded exponentially when a large percentage men in a population are exposed to pornography . If the epidemic of EEPS in the American population continues, all women will be raped, all children molested and men will kill each other off in bouts of EEP Syndrome driven rage!

In fact, we could find a 100% connection between men who commit crimes and men who have watched pornography. Therefore, we can conclude irrefutably that pornography causes otherwise well behaving men to become violent criminals; another level of tragic exploitation and symptom of EEP Syndrome.

Pornography packages men as nothing more than a hard penis ready for action at the whims of a woman. Whenever a woman is ready for sex in pornography, the man is ready to perform as her sexual satisfaction device without hesitation or reservation. The sounds of sexual pleasure made by a man in pornography are usually overshadowed by the carnal expressions of the woman in which he shares the screen.

Ready erections are an preposterously impossible expectation for the average man, causing sever self-esteem issues, exacerbating EEP Syndrome. Even if their partner is not disappointed by their inability to perform, the standards they believe they have to live up to weigh on their self image and internal sexual dialogue. When that dialogue is no longer able to be confined to their brain and is reflected in their sexual performance can be an indicator of EEP Syndrome.

Women in pornography often take advantage of the erection by performing unspeakable acts bent only on pleasing themselves and manipulating the male counterpart. During penetration women often face away from their partner, toward the camera, further demoralizing and humiliating their partner. She may force his genitals into orifices other than her vagina, exposing the man to disease, bacteria and syndromes too numerous to mention. In some instances suffocation is simulated when she forces the man to perform oral sex while he is lying on his back and she kneels over his face. This act not only makes a man completely submissive to the will of the woman, it completely objectifies him.

A current trend in pornography is the denigration of men by spitting on their genitalia during oral sex acts. This especially disturbing trend is made all the more worse because it combines the sexual exploitation and graphic denigration. There are few acts as denigrating as being spat on by another person. There is no other explanation for this behavior except to send the message to men that the woman is trying to express dominance and demoralize her partner. Even though women may not be intentionally inflicting EEP Syndrome on their viewers, they are in fact causing problems for hurting the men watching the video.

During the opening credits of a pornographic movie, the men usually go unmentioned. Seen as unimportant to the film, men are almost never mentioned in the opening credits and sometimes not mentioned during the final credits either. Their “performances” are not valued, their names not even worth mentioning. The insecurities created by seeing how little men are valued deepens a man’s EEP Syndrome affliction.

Their inequitable treatment isn’t just acknowledgements streaming across the screen. Men in pornography make considerably less money than women do. Even though in a porn featuring a man and a woman, the man is on screen as much as the woman, he still makes less money. The makers of porn choose to shoot men in ways so that the audience does not see their faces and the actors can be replaced easily by other men. This goes against established values; men are supposed to be the primary bread winners in society. This flip flop of circumstance could unravel the fabric of society, leaving us with nothing other than string to hold.

EEP Syndrome is dangerous to us all. We may see the end of our time due to EEP Syndrome. If you or someone you love might have Exceptionally Expressive Penis Syndrome, don’t wait, get help right away. Write us and we’ll find you help.\

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