Saturday, February 5, 2011

Steve Jobs Was Not an Ethical Man

The anti-democratic policy developing, anti-open source, pro-secrecy, man responsible for the most legal censorship ever in history, for sucking currency from the economy, for developing closed source products, and for creating use policies that have hurt privacy for billions is dead, and everyone is acting like we lost something great. Steve Jobs was a corporate head, not your grand leader, not a humanitarian, not a good guy. He was not the greatest man of our generation, nor was he an amazing person.

He was a CEO of a corporation; a corporation that is guilty of all the same things of which every multinational corporation is guilty. He made shinny things, shinny things with inexcusable policy consequences.

Seriously, making something pretty and easy to use is what qualifies someone as great? Well then let's praise DeBeers for their diamonds, which we only have to put on.

If someone has anything about how wonderful he was, they have no business complaining about Wall Street, or censorship, or freedoms being taken away, or the way Wall Street treats us. People who call him the greatest man in a generation, really need to reconsider what they value. I certainly would never value a business man over a person who did service. It is shameful that anyone would praise such a man.

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