Monday, October 17, 2016

Ranchers Create Armed Defense Group Against Anti-Bakken Dakota Access Pipeline Water Defenders

Farmers and ranchers near St. Anthony, N.D. admitted on videos to arming themselves in response to their fear of Native American led camp opposing the Bakken Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL).

An unnamed rancher explained in an interview with Scott Hennen on the radio show “What’s On Your Mind” that he was rattled when police cars escorted his children home on the school bus after the Standing Rock Water Protector camp was formed.

Water Protectors, a collection of Native Americans led by the Standing Rock Sioux and their allies, are resisting the construction of the Bakken DAPL, which would run under the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers and over the Ogallala Aquifer. The Missouri River is the primary source of water for the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. Ogallala Aquifer provides 30 percent of the fresh water used for agricultural irrigation in the United States.

It was not until an interaction with the neighbor that he bought a gun. “I have a neighbor who lives in the pipeline area and he asked if he needed help, if I would come and help. I said I would.” He continued, “At that point I didn’t really have anything to go help him with. So I proceeded to acquire some stuff.”

Even though he admits he carries a gun with him at all times now, the unnamed rancher seemed to be taking no joy in the acquisition, “I am not a hunter. I have never owned a lot of guns.” He explained, “I do now. Mainly for protection.”

He admits to having only limited interaction with the protestors, only being near a protestor when the Water Protector was changing the tire on their car.

The unnamed rancher is not the only local carrying a gun in response to Water Protectors. Jared Ernst, a local farmer has also responded with guns, "I've been carrying a sidearm on me everywhere I go. I have a small revolver that I carry, my wife has started carrying, a bunch of the neighbors have started carrying firearms in their vehicles. I think there are some that are carrying on them like I am, you just don't know.”

He felt a gun was necessary for both he and his wife after Water Protectors drove through his field and talked to him.

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